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Chilli Varieties & Hybrids
released by IIHR

Arka Lohit:
Plants tall, fruits straight, smooth, medium long (7-8 x 0.8cm) with pointed tip, pendent, fruit colour dark (olive) green changing to deep red on ripening, highly pungent and suitable both for irrigated and rain fed cultivation, yields 25t/ ha (green) or 3 t/ha (dry)


Arka Abhir:
Plants tall, fruits light green, wrinkled turning deep red on maturity, with good colour value (color value maximum 1,65,541 c.u.) and low pungency (0.05-0.1% Capsaicin), suitable for oleoresin extraction, oleoresin yield from fruits without seed 5-6%., duration 160-180 days with 2 t/ ha dry chilli yield. 


Arka Suphal:
Fruits green, smooth, medium long (6-7 x 1cm) with blunt tip, pendent, fruit colour green (shining) turning to deep red on maturity; suitable for irrigated and rain fed cultivation; tolerant to powdery mildew & viruses; yields 25 t/ha (green) and 3t/ha (dry). 


Arka Meghana (F1 hybrid):
High yielding F1 hybrid developed using male sterile (CGMS) line, high yielding with 30-35t / ha fresh yield and 5t/ ha dry yield in 160 – 180 days ; fruit length 10-12cm and width 1-1.2cm; very early; fruits are dark green and turn to deep red on maturity; and field tolerant to viruses and sucking pests. 


Arka Sweta (F1 hybrid):
High yielding F1 hybrid developed using male sterile (CGMS) line, high yielding with 28-30t / ha fresh yield and 4.5t/ ha dry yield; fruit length 11-12cm and width 1.2cm; fruits are smooth; fruits are light green and turn to red on maturity; and field tolerant to viruses. Suitable for cultivation in both kharif and rabi seasons. 


Arka Harita (F1):
High yielding F1 hybrid developed using male sterile (CGMS) line, high yielding with 35-38t / ha fresh yield and 5-5.5t/ ha dry yield; fruit length 8cm and width 0.8-1cm; fruits are smooth and highly pungent; fruits are green and turn to red on maturity; tolerant to powdery mildew & viruses. 


Arka Khyati
F1 hybrid of the cross MS4 (A line) X IHR 3315(R line) (INGR No. 05024). High yielding hybrid with 35-38t / ha fresh yield and 5-5.5t/ ha dry yield; fruits are smooth and highly pungent; green and turn to red on maturity. Recommended for release by Karnataka state varietal release committee, 2007. Tolerant to powdery mildew & viruses.